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Related article: attacker and charged back into Gotha without encountering any serious resistance. The Austrians in the town were seized with panic and did not attempt to form for defence but fled precipi- tately. Soubise himself escaped with difficulty, and the small force of Prussian cavalry not only regained Order Gemfibrozil possession of the town and scattered an army in flight but also took many officers and men as prisoners Buy Gemfibrozil Online and possessed themselves of a Gemfibrozil 600 Mg large and valuable booty in horses, baggage, guns and varied equipment. Truly, to use an expression with which we are now only too familiar, Seyd- litz then showed that he could practice " slimness " in a manner as effective as it was audacious. But the day of Seydlitz' greatest triumph was approaching, the combat whose name was to be linked indissolubly with his own throughout history. On Novem- ber 4th, 1757, the King of Prussia was encamped near Rosbach with an army of not more than 22,000 men, separated by a deep and wide ravine from Soubise's com- bined force of French and Au- strians, between 50,000 and 60,000 strong. Behind him was the river Saale, so that retreat would be difficult, if not impossible, and it almost appeared as if a decisive victory was a certainty for the Allies. Soubise was confident that he had his enemy in his Gemfibrozil 600 power, and, on November 5th, leaving a division to watch the Prussian front, he moved the rest of his array to cut the King off from the Saale bridges by a flank march. But he little knew the lately - acquired manoeuvering power of the Prussians. Their camp was struck in the twinkling of an eye and, with 4,000 cavalry in advance, they also began a movement to head ofl* Soubise, under cover of a chain of gentle heights. The King had that day placed Seydlitz in chief command of all his cavalry, thus supersed- ing many older generals. Seyd- litz saw the difficulty of his position, but he solved it in his own simple and dignified fashion by saying, "Gentlemen, I must obey the King and you will obey me. Forward.'* The two armies were simul- taneously on the move, each now trying to outflank the other. In each the cavalry was in advance. The allied horsemen were fifty- two squadrons under the Due de Broglie, the Prussians were thirty- six squadrons under Seydlitz, who for the first time in action formed his horsemen in two ranks instead of three, a change in tactics which, since then, has been the rule in all armies. The Prussians were marching on interior lines, and Seydlitz was in short space able to conceal his squadrons athwart the course followed by the Due de Broglie, who, all un- conscious that he was to be met so soon, was pressing hurriedly forward. The King had placed the mass of his artillery on a slight eminence on Seydlitz' right flank, while his infantry battalions were rapidly closing up in support. The whole initiative was left to Seydlitz, who was to choose his own moment of action. His attack was to be the signal for the artil- lery to open fire and for the in- fantry to Gemfibrozil Mg pass into action. The fortune of the battle was entirely in his Gemfibrozil 600mg hands. Everything was ready, and there was a time of breathless anticipation. Every eye was fixed on Seydlitz, who sat motionless on his horse far in front of the line. His pipe was in his mouthy and he slowly smoked, as he watched De Broglie's columns exposing their flank more and more. Suddenly the general threw 1900.] GENERAL SEYDLITZ. I6l his pipe over his head and drew his sword. At the signal 4,000 sabres leaped from their scab- bards, and the horsemen of Prussia in two waves of glancing steel hurled themselves headlong on the enemy. The artillery commenced its thunder, and Purchase Gemfibrozil the grenadiers deployed into fighting order. Seydlitz fell upon the Allies with lightning stroke. De Broglie, startled to nnd himself attacked in flank, in vain strove to repair the disorder caused in his squad- rons by their hasty march. No time was given to him. Before his men were formed, the Prus- sians were upon them ; and, bravely as the French fought, they could do nothing, for they were ill-commanded and had no cohesion in their manoeuvres. What could Gemfibrozil Price individual courage accomplish against the serried Prussian lines? The allied ca- valry everywhere gave way, shat- tered by Seydlitz' cuirassiers. In vain Soubise himself dashed to the front. He was swept away in the panic flight of his cavalry. The combat lasted barely half an hour, and its Gemfibrozil Cost result to the van- quished was made more crushing by the unlooked-for appearance of a hollow way in their line of retreat. Into this horses and men heaped themselves pell-mell in their terror-stricken gallop till the hollow was filled by a struggling living mass. Whole squadrons surrendered at discretion, and De Broglie's fifty-two squadrons had ceased to exist as a military body. But the day was not yet over, and Seydlitz quickly rallied and re-formed his men for further efforts. The allied infantry was arriving on the scene, and found itself opposed by the King him- self with his grenadiers. Again it was seen how helpless are even good troops when they are badly handled and are unable to deploy their strength in time. The steady volleys of the Prussian infantry and the murderous fire of artillery decimated the French and Aus- trians in the leading battalions and carried destruction even to those which in dense columns were crowding from the rear. Never were troops in a more helpless condition, and Buy Gemfibrozil soon they began to be demoralised. The heads of columns checked, gave way and fell back in disorder. The moment had arrived for which Seydlitz' eagle eye had been watching. Rethrew himself with all his cavalry upon the shaken and yielding allied infantry, with the most paralysing effect. Whole battalions were surrounded and taken prisoners. Many surren- dered almost without firing a shot, though some brigades oflfered a stern resistance and even crossed bayonets with the Prussian sabres. But nothing could long stand against the dash of the Royal guard and White Cuirassiers. There was a terrible melie for a time, but the Generic Gemfibrozil end was inevitable. The whole army of Soubise melted away in absolute ruin, and never could be again rallied. It was not only defeated ; it was disbanded, and its menace to the King of Prussia was finally and completely removed.